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About Us

Gates International Ltd is owned by Musoke Michael Trevoss. He is a Ugandan Businessman, who has travelled and worked around the world namely in France, Italy, Germany and Kenya (amongst others). He loves art, adventure, travelling, and meeting people. In addition, he is a Fashion Designer and an Actor. It’s from this exposure and engagement that he developed the urge of sharing with the World the beauty of nature (flora & fauna, landscapes) cultural diversity, spirituality, hospitality, and a rich documented history spanning from the 11th Century, by opening up a Leisure & Hospitality Company.

This company is dedicated to satisfy the adventure curiosity, leisure, and vocational needs of people from all walks of life in Uganda. However, the company has now expanded and has added on sectors in real estate, cosmetics & makeup, coffee supplies as well as a charitable section.

Established in 2009, and registered as a Public Limited Company, Gates International Ltd offers a wide range of services in the Leisure and Hospitality industry, Real estate and Cosmetics. Gates International Ltd has a very formidable team of professionals with vast experiences, dedicated, and always ready for a challenge. This team has not only helped us build a reputable brand within the industry, but also makes us look into the future with a lot of optimism. Currently, we have 30 permanent staff distributed in the following sectors:

Real Estate

Cosmetics & Makeup (La Divine)

Tours & Travel

Coffee Suppliers

Gates Foundation (Mama wa Uganda)

Strategic Prinicples of the Company

Gates International Ltd conducts itself in a manner that embraces the following principles “quality, flexibility, affordability, and a good client rapport.

  • We offer technical advice to clients on what they want and help them realize their desired dreams.
  • Do not indulge in corner cuttings in pursue of short-term profits; we are competitive and effective, but we aim at providing value for money and time.
  • We endeavor to be available to our clients 24-7.
  • We believe in team work and team building for effective execution of our duties.

Our Core Values

The following are our core values that help us keep updating our strategies, knowledge base, expertise and the way we deal with our clients. Among them include:

  • Keeping a good self-image; we believe that the clearer our image is, the clearer we can see what to change, and the simpler it will be to change because this gives us a good mental construct to go in and apply change.
  • Knowing what we want and where we want to be; what is known gives us a definite major purpose to guide us in looking up to the future.
  • Maintaining at all time a positive thinking team that everything is possible.
  • We maintain at all time a big reference group (i.e affiliates) that brings in new ideas and a fresh perspective of instituting change.
Our Directors

Meet The Directors


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